Historical financial information
Use the below tool to compare financial key figures across a determined range of years. Simply choose the desired figures and your preferred view. Comparisons and views may be printed, saved and exported as images.
Key Performance Indicators
(In € million) |
2024 |
2023 |
Total revenue |
3.328,5 |
3.230,3 |
843.6 |
861.3 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
819,5 |
803,0 |
Adjusted EBITDA margin |
24,6 |
24,9 |
Adjusted net income |
308,1 |
318,2 |
Free cash flow |
290,3 |
219,5 |
Net capex |
163,9 |
250,6 |
Net capex as a % of total revenue |
4,9 |
7,8 |
Post-tax ROCE at adjusted effective tax rate |
27.5% |
29.4% |
Alternative performance measures
Definitions of Alternative performance measures