10. Shareholders’ rights of participation

10.1 Restrictions of voting rights and representation

Each share that is entered in the share register entitles the shareholder to one vote. The voting rights may be exercised only after a shareholder has been registered in the Company’s share register as a shareholder with voting rights up to a specific qualifying day (record date) designated by the Board of Directors. On application, persons acquiring shares are entered in the share register as shareholders with voting rights without limitations, provided they expressly declare that they have acquired the shares in their own name and for their own account and that they comply with the disclosure requirement stipulated by the FMIA. Entry in the share register of registered shares with voting rights is subject to the approval of the Company.

Entry may be refused based on the grounds set forth in art. 7 paras. 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Articles of Association. The respective rules have been described in Section 2.6 “Limitations on transferability and nominee registrations” of this Corporate Governance Report. If the Company does not refuse to register the applicant acquirer as a shareholder with voting rights within 20 calendar days on receipt of the application, the acquirer is deemed to be a shareholder with voting rights. Acquirers who are not eligible for registration are entered in the share register as shareholders without voting rights. The corresponding shares are considered as not represented at the shareholders’ meeting. A revocation of the statutory restrictions of voting rights requires the approval of a simple majority of votes cast, regardless of the number of shareholders present or shares represented. Abstentions and invalid votes do not count as votes cast.

The rights of shareholders to participate in shareholders’ meetings comply with legal requirements and the Articles of Association (https://www.sig.biz/investors/en/governance/articles-of-association). Every shareholder may personally participate in the shareholders’ meetings and cast their vote(s), or be represented by a proxy appointed in writing, who need not be a shareholder, or be represented by the independent proxy. Shareholders may issue their power of attorney and instructions to the independent proxy by post or electronically. The independent proxy is obligated to exercise the voting rights that are delegated to them by shareholders according to their instructions. Should they have received no instructions, they shall abstain from voting.

On an annual basis, the Annual General Meeting elects the independent proxy with the right of substitution. Their term of office terminates at the conclusion of the next Annual General Meeting. Re-election is possible. Should the Company have no independent proxy, the Board of Directors shall appoint an independent proxy for the next Annual General Meeting.

10.2 Quorum requirements

Unless a qualified majority is stipulated by law or the Articles of Association, the Annual General Meeting makes its decisions based on the relative majority of valid votes cast, regardless of the number of shareholders present or shares represented. Resolutions require the approval of a simple majority of votes represented.

10.3 Convening the Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors or, if necessary, by the Company’s independent auditors. Extraordinary shareholders’ meetings may be held when deemed necessary by the Board of Directors or the Company’s auditors. Liquidators may also call a shareholders’ meeting. Furthermore, extraordinary shareholders’ meetings must be convened if resolved at a shareholders’ meeting or upon written request by one or more shareholder(s) representing in aggregate at least 5% of the Company’s share capital or votes.

Shareholders’ meetings are convened by publication in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (Schweizerisches Handelsamtsblatt) at least 20 days prior to the date of the meeting. Such publication and letters of invitation must indicate the date, time and venue of the meeting, the items on the agenda, and the wording of any motions proposed by the Board of Directors or by shareholders who have requested the convening of a shareholders’ meeting or the inclusion of an item on the meeting’s agenda.

10.4 Inclusion of agenda items

The Board of Directors is responsible for specifying the agenda. Registered shareholders with voting rights individually or jointly representing at least 0.5% of the Company’s share capital or votes may request that an item be placed on the agenda of a shareholders’ meeting of the Company, provided they submit details thereof to the Company in writing at least 45 calendar days in advance of the shareholders’ meeting concerned. If an explanatory statement is to be included in the notice of meeting, it must be submitted within the same period and be brief, clear and concise.

10.5 Registration in the share register

Only shareholders who are registered in the share register as shareholders with voting rights on a specific qualifying day (record date) designated by the Board of Directors are entitled to attend a shareholders’ meeting and to exercise their voting rights. In the absence of a record date designated by the Board of Directors, the record date shall be ten days prior to the shareholders’ meeting.

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